Some magazines are still printed on paper and delivered via the postal service, others have become electronic only. The Roeper Middle/Upper School Library currently has a subscription list of 25 popular and scholarly magazines (referred to as 'periodicals' in the library biz.)
As the geese are heading south, whilst the leaves are starting to turn red and gold, the annual ritual known as subscription renewal is upon us. Once a year, we have the chance to review our magazine choices, consider our options, and request new titles. It's also time to let go of journals no longer of interest to enough of the community. Sometimes there is sad news, such as that PC World will no longer be available in flattened wood pulp.
So, Roeper people, think about what you really really think should be added, and leave a comment, send an email to the librarian, or sign the Magazine Wish List in the library.
FYI, here's a list of the current holdings from A to W:
ArtNews, Asimov's Science Fiction, Atlantic, Cricket, Current History, Down Beat, Economist, English Journal, Games, Harpers, J-14, Make, marvel Universe, Mental Floss, Michigan Sportsman, National Geographic, New Republic, New Yorker, Scientific American, Smithsonian, Sports Illustrated, Time, Vanity Fair, Wired.
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